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Old 03-23-2015, 07:07 PM   #275 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
Jasper is 3 years 100k miles on engines and transmissions and includes labor.
You're making the case that the HEV battery rebuild has a better warranty than these ICE or Transmission rebuilds.

3 years unlimited miles is better than 3 years 100k miles.

Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
Longer miles than almost every OEM.
But not all OEM warranties .. and far inferior to HEV component OEM warranties .. and inferior to even rebuilt HEV battery warranties.

If warranties are an indicator .. the HEV system is about 3x more durable / reliable / etc ... than those other components ICE / Transmission / etc... even aftermarket rebuild warranties of the least durable component (the battery) you are still showing examples of it being covered by superior warranties than those other components.

You're showing examples of why you should be more concerned about all those other parts than you should be concerned about the HEV parts.

Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
Your hybrid has numerous other components that conventional vehicles do not have to wear out or break.
#1> As your own source shows above .. Those other components have warranties that suggest they are about 3x more reliable and durable.

#2> My specific HEV ... the Gen1 Insight ... Can easily be modded to run without those other HEV components is needed / desired ... I get all their benefits .. I can opt to run without them easily and cheaply.

#3> Try looking up the other HEV components (not the battery) failure rates .. you'll find the HEV motors / electronics / etc ... have extremely good MTBF rates... There is a point where a component has such a good MTBF that it is not reasonable to worry about it much.

Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
Does the internet help finding parts for very rare cars? Absolutely. It also means those who have the parts charge more for them due to increased demand.
Exactly the opposite actually.
It makes parts cheaper .. because it opens up more routes of competition ... I am not forced to only use the local guy 10 miles away for a part ... I can see if it's cost effective to get it from the guy 100 miles away .. or 1000 mile away ... I can easily on-line ask for a quote to have things fabricated for me to my specifications even on the opposite side of the world from people who don't share my language.

Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
Read the fineprint on used electrical part purchases very very carefuly and look out for things like, no returns, or instore credit only.
Always a good idea to read the agreement (fine print) for any agreement you make .. That's not exclusive or unique to electronic parts.

Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
As far as swapping out another engine in a shell, good luck with extinguishing the CEL and battery failure lights.
Numerous people have already done so... with a variety of different ICEs in the Gen1 Insight specifically and numerous other vehicles as well.

ICE swapping is not new .. there are companies and people that do this kind of thing all the time for a variety of vehicles ... nothing new here or unique to HEVs... even using one as a shell for another project.

Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
Around here they do not do emissions testing but if either of those lights is totally inop or continuously illuminated then it's a failed inspection.
Sooo just like any other car that does an ICE swap .. nothing new here or unique to HEVs.
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