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Old 03-28-2015, 03:11 PM   #2 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Marysville, wa
Posts: 221

97 Civic HX sedan VX trans - '98 Honda Civic LX + HX + VX
90 day: 41.9 mpg (US)
Thanks: 23
Thanked 42 Times in 24 Posts
Thanks for posting the great video.

I would like to add that in the HX your principals still apply, actually probably any car however the HX has a most definite LB engagement.

You can be cruising at 60mph, getting xx.xx indicated mpg, vacuum gauge ~15 then suddenly when it kicks in your indicated mpg will jump up substantially and your foot will go down on the accelerator just to maintain your 60mph and the vacuum gauge will go down as low as 3.

As Chryslerkid put it, it feels like a parachute deployed behind your car. Very very true.

This pretty much confirms what I have suspected that the VX and HX are totally different animals as far as ECU logic goes.

The funny thing is with ScanGauge or Ultragauge your MPG will indicate a huge DROP when in LB because it calculates MPG off RPM's, LOD and probably the MAP sensor.

My MPGuino is still in transit. Once it's here I will also post a video of the HX's behavior.
1998 LX with a full HX swap + VX transaxle.

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The Following User Says Thank You to firehawk618 For This Useful Post:
OG VX (03-28-2015)