Bigger jet or restricting air flow?
I'm limited to 50cc and 28mph by law, so I ride cheap Chinese scooter for now.
I made exhaust lot quieter and in process I got rid of exhaust restrictions. This lead to air/fuel mixture to lean out.
After going up to 88 size main jet (original was 76) it is still running lean, but at least engine does not die instantly with more than half throttle.
I could limit area of air intake or I could install even bigger main jet, but which would be better for fuel economy?
I know that there is enough power for my usage with limited air flow, I'm already running needle at second lowest position so there is not much room to adjust part throttle mixture which is where most of the riding will happen and for best economy I would like to keep that as lean as possible.
Of course it will not be really lean, but probably close to neutral mixture.
I'm worried that with bigger jet there would be more fuel consumption, it would of course help with uphill speeds too, but maybe restricted air flow and smaller jet would be better despite spending more time when climbing hill?
I did install freewheel gear to final transmission for coasting downhills so I gain some mileage there.
Scooter has constant variable transmission, so as standard there would be no coasting possible.