I remember driving my wifes parents from Hampton Va to Ashburn and back in our then brand new 1999 Maxima. Both of them passed that same year

When we were close to the end of the return leg of a 360 mile trip, which I had driven the whole way, my father in law complimented me on how well I drove. I told him I was going 80 most of the way, since that was the average speed of the traffic on I95 between DC and Richmond. I wasn't even thinking of driving economically 15 years ago.
His response was that he did not care that I had averaged 15 over the then posted 65 MPH limit and he meant it in amost respectful way. I misss him, because he would not let his daughter be disrespectful to her 3rd husband. One time at the dinner table she criticized my effort at cleaning my hands. He told her my hands were cleaner than hers were and she never responded with disrespect to him ( I wonder why

My driving techniques have not changed in any significant way in 15 years, but my average speed has gone from the top 10% to the bottom 10%. Predictable smooth transitions, situational awareness, and anticipating potential disasters has kept me out of any accident or serious confrontation regardless of theother drivers incompetence.