So I've been continuously bitten by the 'fun car' bug for some time now. I love the simplicity and utter cheapness of my Saturn but I'd love to commute in something a little more 'entertaining'. My thoughts keep wandering back to a Miata.
My thing is though, I'd like to be able to average 40mpg (or close to it) on my 80mi, mostly hwy/county roads, daily commute and I'd like to do it without any crazy boat-tail modifications or extreme hyper-miler techniques; just with careful, attentive driving at modest speeds (55mph).
I see lots of unimpressive mileage reports on the Miata's from various sources but I can't help but wonder if the 25-30mpg claims are just from people who can't control their right foot long enough to get into the MPG 'butter zone' of this car. I figure if anyone can get some decent numbers from a Miata their bound to be in here.
So, what can these little go-carts do when driven 'properly'?
Keep in mind too that I'm no stranger to turning wrenches and if some modification is required to meet my goals (like say a final diff swap) I have no problem with that. I just don't want to ruin the look of the car with pizza pans, boat-tails and coroplast stuck on everywhere.