A guy who lives about ten minutes from my house sells them (and also sells pallets, 55 gallon barrels, farm equipment, cows, pigs, hunting dogs, etc . . . .) for two bucks apiece. And yeah, they're the liners that you see them use when smaller items are placed on a pallet. They're super-strong, thin, lightweight, and cheaper than coroplast, unless you get it for free after elections.
He has thousands of the pallet liners, and he gets more in all the time, so I have access to a basically unlimited supply of them. He also has them in a bunch of different colors. I'm going with black ones on Ron Burgundy when I put the belly pan on.
If anybody is interested, I can see how much it would be to ship a bunch of them in a box. You could put like 30 of them in a box 6 inches wide. I'm going to say you could do a belly pan on a full size pick-up truck with 8 of them.