NO Damage to auto transmission by EOC
I have an '07 Toyota Tundra and am getting 21-22 MPG (combined -- 85% highway driving) by using basic hypermiling techniques. The sticker said 16/20.
I'm looking to do some EOC, but WAS concerned about damage to the automatic transmission. I talked to the service department at the Toyota dealership, and the guy said I will do NO damage to the transmission by coasting with the engine off for a short period of time (ex. down a hill) or by shifting in and out of neutral.
As far as EOC goes, he agreed that, since the engine is off, the transmission isn't doing anything. There's no damage to be done.
Does anyone have any contrary information? People talk a lot, but often know very little about what they are talking about. It's really amazing. If anyone KNOWS that this information I got is wrong, by all means, speak up. I really want to try the EOC, but don't want to fry a $4,000 transmission in the process.
Thanks in advance for any input you may have.