So warm up was helped a lot in 20 degrees or less. From about 4 mile to full temps down to 2 or 2.5 miles. That means I can crank up the heat that much sooner.
With the huge grill blocked the air is not captured and driven into the engine compartment. Lots of drag that way. The air then has to go up and over the car. If you ever watch NASCAR racing they talk about front end tape. They block those grills as much as possible and peal off a little bit of tape to keep the engine from overheating. Our grill is big enough to cool the engine with 100+ degree outside temperatures. I very rarely have that in MI.
I have taken it off. Did that about a 1 month ago. This kind of mod needs lots of attention to engine temps though. You can't just put one on then ignore the engine temps. My wife drives this occasionally so I didn't want her to have to worry about it.
I was not able to do a ABA comparison. The big benefit was the faster temps to be able to turn on the heat. I may re-install some time to find what kind of FE improvement happens. Not sure when. I don't have a scan guage or instant MPG reading to watch.