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Old 04-17-2015, 11:45 AM   #48 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Originally Posted by wickydude View Post
Yeah, wattsupwiththat is much more scientific.... Provides better hyperlinks (did you even see those on the skeptic?) I'm sure you can point me to, cause I couldn't find them.
I guess I'm just not smart enough to start believing in conspiracy theories.

I see now that I should not have taken the bait.
I won't respond to it anymore here.

Back to work, designing wind turbine parts.
And the NASA, Principia Scientific and Danish Climate Center references? You conveniently missed those... and the WUWT site provides references to the data they used, which are all sourced from peer reviewed papers and underlying data.

But then, providing evidence contrary to one's religiously held beliefs usually tends to just make one cling tighter to one's "guns and bible". Cling tight... reality's not on your side, your religious belief in AGW is all you've got. You'd best hope that's enough to keep you warm at night... it's fixing to get mighty cold in the future.
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