Originally Posted by Grant-53
As fascinating as the high speed recumbents and Shell mileage vehicles are they have limitations in urban traffic situations. The cost of such vehicles is considerable as well. For us po' folk who commute we are dealing with bikes in the $300-400 USD range. In traffic a rear camera might be worthwhile.
It's an interesting thing which I got to thinking about recently (making an upright aero bike commercially) but I can't see a way of producing an aero bike in that price range that uses quality components. Bikes are only that cheap due to mass production, and aero-bikes aren't going to be a mass consumption thing unless the UCI lets them in.
Hell, you can't even mass produce an aero kit because of the huge variations in current bike designs (any universal fit thing can't be optimal for everything it goes on).
But if you're willing to coroplast your way to aero (as all of us nut jobs here are) you could.
I wonder if a faired upright with side access (fixed fairings) could be made as aero as licra-clad-aero-bar-man?