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Old 04-21-2015, 10:13 PM   #9 (permalink)
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The shadows of the rear tire and skirting don't align. Not trying to be argumentative and I appreciate all the input, just saying it's tough to tell from the picture.
Shadows on the ground is what had people calling 'hoax' on the Moon landing. Compare the rear edge to the corner of the body.

What's a 1/4 round? I get that it's a 90* radius (one-fourth of a circle) but as related to a car body, I'm at a loss. How big are we talking? Some proportion of the body's size?
The 3D rendering of the camper shows a half-round. I said quarter because of the headlights. You could go half-round with a cut-out or recess for the headlight. The rule of thumb is 4% of gross body width, minimum, so 4 inches or less.

The cooling air is a fraction of the air moving over the body (water-pumper Vanagons do have a front radiator). The fan is to overcome internal air friction.

I'm curious why some vans shown above do and some do not have airdams or at least they have different varieties. Anybody know?
They're from different sources. Different strokes for different folks. As for the outer ends, ultimately you'd want an air-curtain for the front wheelwell. Here's a rendering that is indecipherable (I had a system crash and never retraced the steps).

Sort of an anti-spat. Radiusing the edge and aircurtaining is probably nit-picking. Keep in mind that I'm speculating way beyond my direct experience.
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