All, thanks for the feedback and support. Some really great suggestions.
92CivicVX, I'll try to get a few more pics up of the rear diffuser asap.
For the headlights, agreed that the "JDM" black housing lamps would certainly carry forth the black/red theme a bit more. However, I like the OEM look as much as possible, and the black housing lamps were never standard OEM Honda pieces. Accords and Integras had the black housing lamps, but never the Civics. The b-house units are more of an Ebay adaption to what tuners were looking for. However, I feel adding the OEM bra just above the lamps, and adding the SiR-rep corners does spice that area up enough for my tastes.
I do have plans for smooth wheel caps in the near future. Clear Lexan, held on by M6 Stainless allen head bolts with black anodized washers, with 40% tint overlay added to the face of the cap, and some custom decals atop. I've been working through emails for about a month now, back and forth, to design multiple custom decals for the VX. The wheel caps will get one of those designs we've been working out. The hope is that the black tint will give the "black look" to the caps, but still have the OEM wheel shape and color visible underneath (thus, the 40% tint, and not something more aggresive).
As for the Lexan aero pieces, I chose to go with the metal for a few reasons. I believe the metal gives a bit more of a solid look and feel to the finish product, a bit more "OEM" looking, if that's possible. However, mainly, the metal is very rigid (20ga). The 20ga sheet ended up not needing any back bracing on the kammback and/or wheel skirts. I had hope this would be the case when purchasing the thicker/heavier metal, and indeed, I ended up not needing any back bracing. I knew that the Lexan would be both cheaper and lighter, as well as easier to cut and work with. However, I gathered that any potential benefits in visiblity gained by building the aero with the Lexan would be comprimised slightly with the back bracing that would un-doubtably be needed to assure stability at speed.
Guys, I appreciate the support and community here. I post up because I enjoy getting the feedback. It's lonely out there on the streets as an Ecomodder, and on some forums as well (not here!). I feel like I'm in the "gray" a good bit with this build. Like, I want it to have show car looks, but the build is based upon performance in terms of fuel efficiency, which is new and not as "cool" to most motor heads. So, for instance, my feedback on my posts over at Honda Tec is slim and few, and (mostly) mis-understood (however, the view count is very high, which I find interesting...). On this site, I definitely feel at home and welcomed, but I'm a bit more material minded than I am eco-performance minded, at times. Anyway, I'm still having a blast. Of all of my projects, this is BY FAR my favorite build yet