Originally Posted by Cycle
BTU/mile still has to take into account the amount of fuel used at some point
BTU/Mile already does .. it includes both the amount of fuel and the fuel's energy density ... thus making it superior to the less information from just using gallons , liters, etc.
Originally Posted by Cycle
And you've still not addressed my main point... that a gaseous fuel exhibits better fuel economy
Nooo ... he already specifically addressed that .. his point was that the difference is too small to support conclusions like that .. the other engine modifications themselves make contributions toward that tiny gain .. how do you know what % part of the 5% gains are from the engine modifications themselves and what % are from the fuel itself ? ... What's the standard deviation of expected fluctuation from no gains at all ?
Originally Posted by oil pan 4
The best propane engines I have found get maybe 5% better fuel economy than their gasoline counterpart. That difference could be due to the propane mod specific engines running higher compression and different ignition advance than their gasoline counter parts because propane burns in an engine almost like 105 octane gasoline.