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Old 04-25-2015, 11:44 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: Palmerston Nth NZ
Posts: 1
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An interesting forum - from a Kiwi

The site seems to have quite diverse topics!

As an intro after 11 years as a computer tech I've spent the last 11 years as a sculptor doing from bone & jade carvings to chainsaw carvings and walking sticks amongst anything else that'll turn a dollar for a living. Was a freezing contractor in the 70/80's...sharemilked and did a stint building in the 80's till the 87 crash.

I stumbed across your site researching aero dynamics in cars specifically wheels and their profile effects...reason... I'm prepping to start a Lotus 7/Locost build thats been in the pipeline for a few years to the stage in life & realisation that if I don't "make" it happen now...because the is no tomorrow, only today...and...time can't be saved...because it happens anyway...if I don't do it today, it'll just keep getting put off...always seem to be other priorities...I can easily remember the 70's oil "crisis"(most days anyway) and my first car was a 66 Jaguar mkII 3.8 manual overdrive.

I have a gaggle of mini's..."real" mini's...I have 4...a 78 GT (slightly warmed), 82-round nose, a 75 clubman 1100 and another 74 clubman 1100 also a little pepped up...I have a Cherokee in the drive which no longer gets driven, and have a 2001 3.0ltr Nissan diesel van that gives me 700km on 60ltrs with the EGR removed (it makes a horrible mess of your engines intake runners)...and degrades economy I understand up to 20%.

I can get 750km round town from our Holden Barina (Opel cadet) on 40ltrs, the wife can only get 550km and I've had 1100km from my Toyota Corona diesel. I only boil a cup of water if I'm making a "cup" of coffee...and yes if you drive with your lights on you DO use more can! be measured in a "mini".

I could go on but you should get the gist...cheers all

Last edited by errolc; 04-26-2015 at 12:01 AM.. Reason: had more to say :-/
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