Thread: Air filter
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Old 07-25-2008, 11:25 PM   #12 (permalink)
38 time NHRA/IHRA Champ
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I had a 98 Neon 5 speed that I drag raced....I put just over 147,000 miles on it and te very first mod was to get rid of the entire air filter system and put a fine wire mesh screen over the throttle body opening. That mod picked up very nearly 2 mpg and the car ran from .20-.23 of a second quicker in the 1/4 mile. I had the same mod on a 3.0 Sundance for over 100,000 miles with the same results. No troubles with this method, but I would not do it in a desert or dusty enviroment. K & Ns never werebeter for me and sometimes were the same as stock. I eventually was getting 46 mpg in that Neon with EOC and 41 without it...which was the EPA rating. The car had 180 hp on motor and 305 hp with NOS in use.....for you gear heads it ran 14.8 in the 1/4 on motor and 12.17 at 117 mph was its best time with NOS. In front wheel drve cars I have 33 NHRA & IHRA drag race championships and 1 IHRA championship with a rear wheel drive vehicle.
I used that Neon to win Car & Driver magazine's 50th anniversary drag race.....they had limited it to 500 entries!
42 time NHRA/IHRA drag race champ

05 SRT4-12.17@117 mph on DOTs-31.0 mpg-SOLD
96 Geo Metro-3 banger-60.1 mpg-SOLD
95 BMW M3-13.41 @ 106 mph-31mpg-SOLD
77 Chevy Monza with 350/350-FOR SALE
84 Horizon-1880 lbs-29 mpg
95 Neon-43 mpg
99 Z28-10.80 @ 127 mph-27.1mpg
2011 Prius-62.1 wife's
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