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Old 04-30-2015, 04:06 PM   #1828 (permalink)
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Location: Maricopa, AZ (sort of. Actually outside of town)
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Michael's Electric Beetle - '71 Volkswagen Superbeetle 500000
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Oh the flight back was WAY faster than the 17 hours or whatever it was to drive. Although it was fun to stop along the way. You guys have already been a huge help to me. You gave me the money to make those prototype controllers, and it was a lot of trust that it would all work out. I really appreciate that! I think we are actually fine. The car insurance is going to let us rent a car for 20 days, at which time they will give us some money for our missing car.

I think with no wife and no kids, it would be tempting to buy a suit of body armor, and secretly become batman in the hood. That would be pretty hilarious. Although a more useful thing would probably be to just go to the stores and try to do something nice for someone. Deep in the hood the people haven't had much (any?) interaction with people different from themselves. I was in jack in the box, and a lady didn't have enough on her credit card for the $1 value fries. I told her I'd give her mine, and I'd just get another one, and she was all "I can't buy that!". haha. It was like a robot. "Does not compute." Her daughter had to explain it to her that I was just giving her the fries. LOL.
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