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Old 04-30-2015, 07:13 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Toyota trying an Elio 'investment strategy'

Toyota is jumping to hydrogen fuel-cell cars over plug-in electric. They are investing their future on the 'next car of the century', Toyota Mirai. They are luring Japanese investors on a long-term capital gains to help the company develop their hydrogen fuel cell technologies and new-gen cars. They are initially offering 500 billion yen or 4 billion dollars worth of special 'Model AA' shares. They are priced at a premium over Toyota common stock and that they could not be traded for five years. They promise higher dividends, shareholder voting rights and could be easily converted to Toyota common share at price issue.
Japan market only for now but considering expanding to international investors. High development costs, long-term lock and yen depreciation makes it a volatile gamble.

Toyota Tests Unique Stock to Draw Long-Term Investors - Bloomberg Business

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