Originally Posted by Cd
15 Photos Of People From All Over The World Next To How Much Food They Eat Per Day - Dose - Your Daily Dose of Amazing
I posted this while looking for an old back-page article in National Geographic on the topic of different peoples calorie intake.
There is a ricksha driver in the article i linked, that eats over 2,000 calories a day. ( 2,400 )
However, the Nat Geo article i was looking for had a fellow that was also a ricksha driver, and he at much less than 2,000 calories a day, yet had the strength to pull along two normal size adults up hills and over several miles.
How is such a thing possible ? It's not just all gearing.
I have a " mountain bike " and struggle to get up some steep hills with just me on board and all the right gearing.
Where do these Ricksha drivers get their strength, and stamina, ( and why don't they have muscular legs ? )
Does the body adapt to extreme conditions like this ?
Human metabolisms are extremely adaptable to what is available. His job is mostly endurance training, which coupled with his genetics don't lend themselves to large muscle size. Endurance training while buring a high amount of calories during the exercise trains the metabolism to burn calories as slowly as possible during periods of rest.
I have doubts as to the accuracy of the amount of calories these people are eating anyways. Most people that aren't very determined to keep track of their calories often guess wrong by over 1000 calories as to what they actually consume regularly.