Originally Posted by mikeyjd
Human metabolisms are extremely adaptable to what is available. His job is mostly endurance training, which coupled with his genetics don't lend themselves to large muscle size. Endurance training while buring a high amount of calories during the exercise trains the metabolism to burn calories as slowly as possible during periods of rest.
I have doubts as to the accuracy of the amount of calories these people are eating anyways. Most people that aren't very determined to keep track of their calories often guess wrong by over 1000 calories as to what they actually consume regularly.
The article I mentioned was in National Geographic. I would expect NG to be a credible source. How many calories do you think he burns in a day ? I know it depends on numerous factors, but on average, I would guess it to be a lot more than 2,000 a day. ( pedaling two people + himself up hills, and over several miles )
What happens if a person burns more calories per day than they consume - but over years of time ?
I found it interesting what you said about the bodies ability to train itself to burn calories slower during periods of rest.
I guess that makes rest all the more important then.