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Old 05-02-2015, 01:13 PM   #53 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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This may be something: I THINK you're supposed to check transmission oil when the engine is hot, and on level ground, but... the cars are in the driveway, slanted backwards downhill. But even so, the regular oil stick is fairly accurate that way.

Ok, so they're both cold now too. But I just checked the transmission oil sticks and the Teal car ( one without the slipping problem ) is all the way up at the top dot. But the Silver car ( one with the slipping ) is only 2/3 the way up between the dots. I should check it hot, on level ground, at a gas station, now. But it may need fluid. Someone was saying that the transmissions on these 98 Civics are a small compartment, so if I go uphill, it COULD push the oil to the back and cause a problem, unless the thing is full?
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