Originally Posted by litesong
Yes, adding roads to make travel faster, causes people to move out further from their work, due to lower costs of living. Then traffic builds till the added roads are jammed again.....& costs of living (& transporting) rise, again.
"slow cars and trucks" are defined by self-righteous leadfoot drivers as people going the 55mph speed limit. Self-righteousness lets leadfooters go 80+mph in the passing lane......till the traffic jams again.....or a leadfooter causes major accidents.
You realize the population is still growing right?
As far as passing lanes, I don't know how it is where you live but the slow cars and trucks I am talking about are 20 mph under the speed limit. That is usually until the passing lane comes and then they speed up for some magical reason. Who is the self righteous one? I'm a live and let live type. Drive slow if you want, pass if you want, but try and make things as easy as possible for everyone. If I'm going slow I use pullouts, slow down when a passing lane comes up, and wait for other traffic to go by before pulling out.