Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
Bored watching some software run slowly on a slow client server so I decided to watch this. It is interesting.
Points I picked up (I tapped whilst watching).
- Design not complete, underside needs done, exhaust etc.
- Oil plug on side of pan - hmmm, had issues with that on an old Mini

- Redline is "65, 67 right now" - I assume 6.5-6.7K which is modest these days.
- The guy works for IDEA(s?) not Elio.
- Designed for highway fuel economy - City ?
- Aluminium, spray technology ? Lighter weight and others have used it.
- Smart benchmark is the Metro - really, a 1990s engine ? Compared to Ford etc. 1 Litre (no turbo and 4 valves though....)
- Sweet spot is 1500-3000 "depending on cycle" - what is that ?
- Talks about high compression ratio but the back yard Jackson Browne music gets in the way.
- Knock sensor to cope with higher compression ratio, pretty much standard stuff. High compression ratio might have an effect there.
- Regular fuel - 10.1 Ethanol % ? See point above.
- SOHC design chosen because it is cheapest solution - no buying an engine is cheaper...

Building your own this is true.
- Describes a VVT style system based on 2 inlet valves and cam lobes. Seems like a pin can engage the second lobe & valve combination to allow the engine to breather deeper. From an external company - they (IDEA? or Elio is unclear) has part of the patent.
- Chain Cam - well done that man, belts suck!
- Talks about reducing friction but mentions offset components causing friction but now they are solved other than they are.
- Oil and water pump reduced rotor. Interesting they tested designs.
- It has AC ? Utility belt driven.
- EGR Cooler to recycle exhaust and reduce losses.