Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
I"m going to integrate it into the controller code (again grrrrr), so the PI test is just another one of the serial commands.
Great! Looking forward to it!
So, it will sort of be something like this:
kp-id 2000 // set proportional gain for Id PI loop.
ki-id 10 // set integral gain for Id PI loop.
run-pi-test will then run the motor for like 1/50 second, assuming a locked rotor. Then it will display the array of results showing
IdReference - IdFeedback
The goal is for that quantity to converge to 0. So, if it doesn't converge to zero with no oscillations, you enter a new value for kp-id and ki-id, and then run the test again.
This morning is looking little optimistic for getting it done. I hereby revise "this morning" to "this evening" (or sunday morning). small children are already impeding progress. haha. I guess 5am wasn't early enough to finish it!
No pressure - I'm out of town for the weekend, returning Monday so if you send the code, I can confirm that it compiles OK for me, but there will be no progress until Monday night.
I will be running it first 'unlocked' so that I see some current on the battery pack and some sort of wiggle on the rotor.
I've coupled the encoder to the motor and watched the scope traces .. they don't seem quite right when I spin (my scope's differential mode seems to be iffy .. I need to play with it a bit)
Then I can lock the rotor and continue. Not sure how far I will go with the 5 HP motor tuning.
At some point I'll move it all to the garage, where the Siemens AC motor and the Warp 9 DC motor are coupled