Was nice to see diesel back under the price of gasoline this morning.
At $4/gl my 21-mpg average over 55k miles in a one ton truck is 19-cpm.
At this mornings $2.49/gl it is 12-cpm. A reduction of about 40%.
But what matters was the decision to accomish the same errands, etc by combining trips. And then to drive the reduced miles with a greater amount of skill. Over the long term this means more. Pays better.
Longest life at lowest cost with highest reliability and able to do the greatest amount of work is best met in this class of truck by a turbocharged Cummins. Goal accomplished.
FE is just a way of charting the above. No stunts involving changes to the vehicle as it was spec'd correctly at the beginning.
That's what is missing for most folks. Rationalizing versus being rational.
Fuel cost is at or under one-half the actual transportation cost on a personal basis. Too bad most choose to miss so far from what they can actually afford.
200k miles now and time to spend to make it another 10-years or 200k. $350 in repairs to this point. Probably need to spend one half of trade value to make it nearer to new. Longer I own it the more like it.
I remember the 1973 oil price shock. And those who traded well built but too heavy GM tanks that would go 200k for truly bad Jap cars that gave the appeArance of economy without actually delivering. Should be a good time, today, to grab some high FE cars with a good mechanical record.