Me? Attack people???
I don't see why only the rich could drive faster than 25 mph. Please explain.
The 1%ers want to further enhance the gulf between the have/have nots. They want a separate, superior infrastructure for those who can afford to be in their club- better faster internet, phone, tv, breathing air and drinking water, everything you can think of, why not roads and why not even airspace and outer space? And the riff-raff, too ignorant to control their gonads, will continue to pile on the population until, in order to get on or off the riff-raff lanes of the highways, traffic flow can be only 25mph.
In fact due to traffic density it will be humanly impossible to merge onto a highway without intervention from Central Control, who, when the Commoner Queue waiting to gain access to Riff Raff Route A gets large enough to meet entrance criteria, opens merging spaces and stuffs 'em as they see fit (think like adding a train car to the middle of a moving
endless high-speed train).
Look at the historical trends and look at where we're heading. This is what people want...?