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Old 05-17-2015, 09:39 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Have you checked every ground. Grounds usually fail when it gets dry. Fuel pressure good?
All testing must be when it is in failure mode, obviously.

Have access to another CPU?

I had a customer with a 75 Z car. " I drove all the way to Jacksonville Fla, where the car died. It restarted after a while, ran rough, until I revved it up a few times, blew some black smoke, then ran fine ever since."

I had the 5 most likely suspects in inventory, installed them all, then removed one at a time over the next 6-8 months and it never acted up again until I reinstalled the original CPU.

Maybe next time it messes up spray some water on the engine compartment and see if it clears up with the added humidity.

Run an additional ground wire from the cpu to the negative batt terminal.

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