Low Rolling Resistance Tire discussion
Hey hows it going guys! I've been lurking for years but never really commented until now that i've picked me up a fuel saver of my own vs my 16mpg mustang (60% city). Well i picked me up a 96 Honda civic LX for 700 bucks and driving it home 145 miles on dry rotted 185/70, 185/65, and 205/60 14 inch dangerously mismatched tires I got 48mpg going 65mph through the mountains of Arkansas.
Now that im home though I gotta change these tires before i kill my 700$ investment, but being 14 inch rims there is not a ton of choices. My main purpose for the car will being going 70mph interstate back and forth for school and im trying to compare which tire size i should go with and which brands.
OEM is 185/65/14
Anybody have some intro advice?
Looking at the: b831 185/65/14
re92 165/65/14
re92 175/65/14
gen altimax rt43 175/70/14
goodyear assur fuelm 185/65/14
And then the assorted goodyear fuel max, michelin defender, etc...
Basically considering size, rpms, and general rolling resistance which do you think will be the best? 40/60 hwy/cty for 9 months out of the year, then for 3 its basically 20/80 hwy/cty
And I plan to mod the car up and try and contribute from here on. Being a mechanical engineering major this is all pretty fun to me and I like to learn about it.
Last edited by hayden55; 05-22-2015 at 01:07 AM..