Met my 50+ goal yesterday: 52 MPGs!
I had to change back to my local Shell station, added a bottle if Techron, filled it with 87 and did the math. Parts or driving conditions? Who cares? I am happy. Will be happier after two more tanks.
Weather: cool (50's-60's), some rain, windy generally
Road trips: 4 trips average 45 miles @60mph
Commute: 5 days, 7 miles to and from. 3 days 60 mph, add 2 days city w some bad stop and go. I idled. I am studying how it is working since all the new parts
Driving style: shifting by lights and 2000 rpm, but tested accelaration a couple of times. (Good power)
Tire pressure: 44/40
Also, I drive like I'd ride my bike, coasting whenever possible. Is it better to coast clutch in or out? I am still anxious about EOC...
I also explored 5th gear on level or steady grades (found that comment about being able to accelerate evenly from 30 mph.
Fuel: 2 full tanks of Conoco 85
Pretty neat.
I am excited for warmer weather and more road trips. I am on vacation next week.
Can't wait to clean that EGR still
Last edited by Lovemy92vx; 05-27-2015 at 01:35 AM..
Reason: Forgot driving style note