My head-on with a raccoon Xmas 2012 in an unmodified Toyota Yaris did some several damage to the OEM plastic bumper, A/C evaporator and radiator. Even managed to push the front cross member under the radiator core support back a centimeter or so. No that mock up would not leave much of a raccoon at all.
As a mock up its is interesting. How is the bumper actually supported? My interests is how do you avoid the bumper hitting the windshield or another car behind you if it contacts something in the roadway? Same question with regard to the outboard wheel skirts. Is the final design to be in metal, fiberglass, or carbon fiber? All three will need a support structure, correct?
Also why not moved the radiator under the car completely? It might make the nose job more Aero efficient. and could solve some of the cone support issues.
With the front extension you will likely need faster spring rates and more aggressive than stock suspension. You don't want a road joist to cause road impact issues.