niky -- The topless one? It isn't fake patina so much as anti-patina. It has real rust but it's sealed with gloss clear coat. If it's a water-based clear coat, that would be very ecological; compared to multiple layers of primer, color and top coat. One of my favorite things, along with the Go-Pro mount. And the door and rear quarter upholstery panels are luan plywood.
That row of 5 Beetles were probably negotiable but around $2K on average. There was a total-wreck 72 Superbeetle on offer for $1200 that needed at least $5K of work. Wheels for two or three times the $25 I paid for the Marathons. There was no one around the Mini-dub toy hauler, but their website says $8K. And that Tri-X header! I didn't take a picture and I'll probably never see another one.
Here's a picture I took to encourage my friends with a International Scout up on blocks. The asking price for the red convertible was $3000.
UFO -- Here's the relevant page at the Rose City Volkster's website. Right now a banner crawl says a bigger story goes up Tuesday—it's mostly racing results.
Google Images is weird, years past there were pictures up on the web by the time I got home. Now it's all logos of their various advertisers. YMMV