Originally Posted by deejaaa
did you read this: "Note 1: Interval for 1998-2002 ALH cars may be increased to 100k at belt replacement if updated parts are installed."
since 2013-09-13, when I started tracking mileage, till now 2015-06-02, I have saved (over EPA), 523 gal. (US), Total saved: $1762.51. Total distance traveled: 54741.2 mi. Total cost: $3,095.93.
when I was driving my truck, the best it got was 20 mpg. cost would have been $7,526.00.
I thing my jetta saved me a lot.
But what if you had bought a 2002 Civic instead of a 2002 Jetta, would there be any savings? It's not hard to save money coming from a truck.