Originally Posted by Frank Lee
My main concern is the strength of the transmissions- many seem to be marginal under heavier than average load. I wouldn't tow anything heavy with a Metro as it seems they have issues with second gear the way it is.
Less of an issue if you hypermile. If you accelerate at 80% load it puts the same stress on components no matter what the vehicle load. All that changes is the time spent at 80% load. For my 1000+lbs trailer and little 1.6, P&G all but goes out the window as it cruisers at 50MPH at 80% LOD. I do the old truck drivers trick of slowing down way early so as not to have to make a standing start (even more so than my normal hypermiling).
If people tail gate me I don't care, the trailer's my rear gunner

Plus, I can't really see them back there.