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Old 06-09-2015, 10:14 PM   #58 (permalink)
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With an aerocap your top speed will go up. The drag is holding you back now. It will coast better too.

On the hood blister, compare these two pix—aerohead's T-100 and some random Ferrrari:

It looks like the thing is to have it the full width of the windshield instead of just the middle 3/4ths.

I don't want to change the lines to much on the car, yea the boat tail works amazing but I think it is hideous lol and makes the truck bed les functional
I can understand wanting to keep an older car on the road. I think the Rabbit diesel is a fine chose. The [ex-]president of the local VW club has one. It's painted orange with purple wheels. To each his own.

You can work with the existing rear fender arches by using something like a '57 Merc Turnpike Cruiser fender skirt. There's a Civic or something around here that has them. They deliver a clean contour right to the separation line.

The pic I need is probably gone in a hard drive crash, but it shows that a tail that is flat on top and curved in on the sides, which are fully transparent, offers excellent visibility sightlines. But vortexes roll off the top onto the side. So my solution would be a Gothic arch that stands above the tailgate about 3' wide and 3 1/2' tall. The roof peak would run to a point just behind the windshield header. There would be a triangular cap back to the C-pillar.

While it would be removable, you could also have flip-up hatches on the sides or ultimately, butterfly doors:

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