Originally Posted by Theitguy
why have you included the eeprom? i can figure what wour using it for
It's not being used. My original plan was to use it for data storage - a log book of sorts, but never wrote code for it.
Originally Posted by Theitguy
im having a bit of trouble getting your sketch to draw onto the displays
The I2C code may need updating. I started playing around with the code a bit yesterday (breaking it up into files) and one of the compile errors I had to iron out was the Wire.send (I think?) command being renamed to Wire.write.
void saa1064Update(byte addy, byte ctrl, byte data0, byte data1, byte data2, byte data3) //This function controls an SAA1064 I2C LED driver
Wire.beginTransmission(addy >> 1); //bit-shift the 8-bit address to 7-bit for wire.h
Wire.write(0x00); //byte-address pointer
Wire.write(ctrl); //control register byte
Wire.write(data0); //first display output byte (7 segs + decimal, 8 discreet LEDs or whatever)
Wire.write(data1); //second display output byte
Wire.write(data2); //third display output byte
Wire.write(data3); //fourth display output byte
Originally Posted by Theitguy
i have wired them according to the instructions in the sketch and the chip to the tutorial as you mentioned
Are none of the segments lighting, or are they garbled or what? The first LED display "page" is blank, you'll have to hit the 3rd button (iirc) to pick a page with data on it for it to display anything.