ScanGauge II - MPG Questions
I've frequented this forum off and on for quite some time, and I finally made the time to register moments ago. I have several questions that I hope is ok to ask in this one thread / discussion. If not, I can make separate threads, but they are related...
My vehicle, in case it matters, and if it doesn't show-up in my sig:
2003 MINI Cooper S
1. If one were to change the fuel injectors to larger ones, would that impact how the SG2 computes MPG, and if so how (up or down)? Not knowing how this figure is computed, I have no idea...
2. During set-up the user is prompted to input the displacement of the engine. Does it matter if the engine has forced induction (turbo or supercharged)? Since the instructions don't note such, I guess not, but I ask because many often speak of the effective displacement of boosted engines (at a specific PSI)...
3. Prior to purchasing the SG2 I was led to believe that during set-up it asks for the vehicle's weight. I was not prompted for that information so I guess I was misinformed, or I confused this with another device. So, vehicle weight is not a needed input for the SG2, correct?
4. Setting of the fuel cutoff. Many threads here and on the web... When off the throttle, coasting, in gear, I get the expected "9999", with the default of 24. I had read that the cutoff is best with a setting at 1-4 above TPS, in neutral. The instructions say 4, but others had said 1... With the engine idling, car parked, I see a TPS of 7. A poster had said to get this TPS number with the engine not running, but with the ignition in the 2nd position. My SG2 does not turn-on in this position though. When I turn the engine off though, the SG2 remains on for a bit, and TPS at that point is 2 or 3. Should the SG2 be activated, or have a visible display with the ignition in the number two position (engine off), and is this the ideal or best way to get the TPS number?
5. I am not using the Trip features, but I am using the Gauges, notably MPG and AVG. Since I'm not making use of the Trip functionality, keeping track of the price paid per gallon, is performing the dual fill-up procedure beneficial for more accurate real-time MPG and AVG figures on the gauges?
Thanks much for your assistance.
2003 MINI Cooper S