You can still get pretty decent gas mileage at 70+ mph, Spif. You just have to get somebody to push the air out of your way.
I do it every day on the highway portion of my commute. I start scanning for a loaded down semi doing an appropriate speed as I'm on the entrance ramp, and I stay with that same truck until I bail off 14 miles later. My Insight averages over 80 mpg on that portion of the drive when I have a semi getting that dead air moving along in front of me.
If the semi is doing 65 mph I'll average almost 100 mpg, if it's doing 80 mph I still average 70-75 mpg, and the faster it goes, the more I'm able to top off the IMA battery.
I agree with Balto, this would be the perfect time to invest in an Insight!
Congrats on the future mrs spif!