Smart vs Fiat vs Leaf vs I-Miev vs E Golf vs...
I am looking to lease an EV. Sick of burning $150 a month on gas and 5 quarts of oil every month on my made in America Corollemon (new nickname)
I am overwhelmed with EV choices and welcome opinions and open discussion with others asking related questions here as well.
I like the rear wheel drive "fun" aspect of the smart and imiev. I like the e golf but it seems rather large and 6 miles of my commute is 1.5 car width heavily traveled shortcut to the main highway. So many variables. I guess my main concern is up to date info, since half the articles I read seem to be dated 2012 2013 2014 etc. what's the latest and greatest? And should I wait for 2016?
Also I google "are electric vehicles sustainable" etc, and seems like all writers are on the "not sustainable" bandwagon because they assume I am pumping coal energy into my car when really I am putting 100% solar into it a I work at a school with 1000s of solar panels. So I really think going electric in my case is sustainable or at the very least, a better option than a car. Any thoughts on that are greatly appreciated since I am doing this mainly to "be the change I want to see in the world" and not really for financial gain etc.
Thank you all!