Originally Posted by darrylrobida
I owned a 1968 VW bug that had "automatic stick shift"
As near as I could tell, it was a manual transmission that was mated
to a TC. There was no manual clutch. I shifted the transmission
just like a manual transmission. The knob on the stick shift had a sensitive
switch that would make contact whenever you touched the knob.
This switch controlled the TC lockup solenoid.
It was a good and simple set up that always worked perfectly.
I hope you can use this info.
I had a 69 VW bug with the same transmission
It had both a torque converter AND a clutch. The clutch was vacuum operated by a slave and the slave received vacuum from a "honker valve" by the engine. Momentary contact switches surrounded the shifter- when you put your hand on the shifter, the momentary contact switch would complete ground for the honker valve, the honker valve would open, and this would allow vacuum to go to the vacuum clutch slave which would disengage the clutch. You could idle in gear at a complete stop, take off in 2nd gear for increased traction in bad weather, and didnt really have to know how to use a clutch.
It was a pretty ingenious design for the day, but it was damn slow

I loved mine but it broke a shift fork and was stuck in reverse- I looked for at least a month trying to find SOMEWHERE that had parts, but couldnt find any. This was back in 2002, so the internet wasnt as robust as it is now. I finally had to give up and install a manual in the car. I still have the transmission though- one of these days im going to rebuild it