Veg oil in my 2001 TDi 90bhp Octavia-my Experiences so far..
My new to me 2001 Skoda Octavia has a 90bhp ALH engine and is completely stock.
It came with 3/4 a tank of Diesel, and I have just purchased 100L of 1 micron filtered WVO as well.
As soon as I get the brakes sorted I should be in a position to start running a full tank of diesel through to get a baseline mpg in normal use. The car has a 55l tank,and will be fully serviced prior to starting the experiment.
Then I will run a 20-25% (11-13.5l)wvo mix through and compare.
The next tank will be a 40-50% (22-27l) wvo mix.
Then 65-75% (35.5-41.25l)wvo mix.
Lastly i will try 85-90% (46.75-49.5l)wvo mix
If wvo cannot be sourced, I will substitute with fresh SVO as required.
I can keep a log of any running issues encountered, and mpg figures per tank, along with an understanding of external factors.
I will have a supply of fuel filters present to allow swapping out as the system initially gets used to the svo.
Dependant on my mileage I should have data complete within 3 months or so.
My Blog on cars- Fu'Gutty Cars
US MPG for my Renault Clio 182