I am still trying to figure out the lean burn.
Q1 You are in lean burn on insight G1 when the o2b2 is at 0 volts and holds right?
If so I have hit it twice on trip to the store, but it was very short lived 2 minutes maybe

, as I would finally hit a hill. I saw my UG hit 0v for o2 and car made a different sound, it was weird and kind of cool too. I think that is the first time I have ever had and held it to notice the different. I saw the FCD slam right to 150 and stuck there with MPH not moving. It is hard though to keep the TPS and load steady and under 130 combined so I do not lose lean burn. I also know you should keep the RPMs below 2500-3200 depending on something to do with the TPS is what I read

. However going uphill it's almost impossible to keep load+TPS low and make it up the hill while still going the speed limit or even 5mph close.
Also I found that if the car is charging the battery it doesn't like to go into lean burn. It feels like it is pulling on the engine. Is this true and normal?
This is just a guessing here since wouldn't go into leanburn when started the trip is their some engine or coolant temp it should be at or something before it will allow lean burn as well?
I do not charge my car every night and I know the battery is bit weak. It is weird. It shows same charge as last time I had when left the car, then drops to 2-3 bars after a few minutes of driving. I think I am having issues with the self discharge rate or something... Anyways I have yet to get my purchased switch to turn off battery and the one for charging battery breaking for charge that I will at some point hook up to a 3 button knob. Maybe those can help until I build my grid charger successfully (trying save $ here)
I plant my heel on the floor board at the bottom of the pedal, and use the bottom of my foot to give it gas. I keep the right side of my foot resting against the carpet below the center console, and that helps me hold it at the same speed/rpms and give it gas or let off the gas slower, without wearing myself out doing it.
I will give this a try. Hopefully it will help me out a bit.