If those are factory-built wheels, be sure to give all the spokes a half-turn (or more, if it's loose) before you start riding! I just pulled apart some old Varsity wheels this past week and the nipples were literally finger tight. Very scary. I laced in a front drum hub...
12 miles is quite a distance. I hope you have a grocery store closer to home! If you're looking to carry things, head to a bike shop and try out some rear panniers for that rack. You might be able to find a pair that doesn't hit your heels, and most will fold up and out of the air when not in use. I prefer putting things on a front rack/panniers, but your front end is probably pretty heavy already with that motor.
He gave me a dollar. A blood-soaked dollar.
I cannot get the spot out but it's okay; It still works in the store
Last edited by Sven7; 06-15-2015 at 12:01 PM..