Originally Posted by California98Civic
Thanks. I got the motor pre-laced into the wheel. I figured it was safer that way because I had never done it. If I ever build another, I'll learn to lace it myself. There actually is a panier in the photo in post #1... it is hard to see because it is on the far side of the rack... "black and red" is its color. I have had it a few years. And it bumps my heel sometimes! But it's an easy adjustment... my 12 mile commute is to work... fortunately the supermarkets and autoparts stores and such are Ll just a mile or two. But this bike is meant to make it easy to replace my car on lots of commute days. That's partly in case of a car breakdown too.
Make my first trip to work today on the bike.... !
If you can find someone to look over your shoulder the first few times, it helps greatly!
Oh, I see the pannier now! Sweet. Glad to hear there's stuff close; that always makes life easier. What speed did you average on this? I'm usually between 6-10mph on my fatbike in the summer, depending on a few factors.
...and you know
where to go when you start wanting to use a trailer!