rechip a golf diesel?
i just got this from a friend of mine. anybody got any comments?
i checked the weight of the 2012 honda fit: it's 2496 lb (1134kg).
that means you _could_ get hard silicon compound tires (aka "eco"
tires) - but bear in mind that (this is from memory ok - please
check!) they're rated for an absolute maximum of around 84mph, and if
you use them for significant highway driving they're _going_ to wear
out _fast_.
honestly my advice would be to find someone who isn't going to drive
very much (so that the vehicle's effect on the environment is greatly
reduced) and sell it.
then go looking for something that has amazing fuel economy. my
recommendation would be an old golf diesel. i know someone in the UK
who had one re-chipped, it did 100mpg @ 55mph. the reason why he got
it re-chipped is because "by default", VW had it set to run *anything*
- ethanol, paraffin, you name it, it could burn it, because the car is
sold world-wide, and often the only thing people have access to is
non-standard fuels!
by getting the VW Golf diesel re-chipped, the timings were set much
more accurately: it would then *only* run on standard (pump) diesel,
and the fuel economy was increased from 80mpg to 100mpg as a result.
i don't know if you can get older VW Golf Diesel cars in the U.S. -
people who have them i imagine tend to hang on to them!