The power of speed!
I usually don't harp on speed too much, but I was really struck by how much speed affects FE today.
So, out in Missouruh I have an 11 mile trip into town, then an 11 mile one back out of town. Usually I'll score mid 60s-70 mpg on the way in (it's kind of uphill), then mid70s-83 mpg on the way home.
The trip is like this: .5 mile of gravel at 20 mph, 1 mile of blacktop (rolling hills), left turn, 5 more miles of rolling hills at 40 mph. Then on the "highway" for 50-55 on a relatively flat surface for a bit. Then into town for 30 mph for another mile (with 4-5 lights that I usually hit 2-3 of).
Today was interesting because I got stuck behind someone going 35 on the highway (speed limit 60) today. I would've passed him because that's pretty damn dangerous, but the truck behind me stayed with us and traffic just stayed back without passing.
Anyway, I rolled up to the library with 79.2 mpg on the guino today. Much better than my best, even though it's a bit chilly out today.
Pretty interesting comparison.