Agree with Jeff. One thing I would note, get down the 1st gear start, and find a hill to practice on. Spend about 20 minutes practicing on the hill, then you'll be good enough.
Underscore (guy you met at GGP, twice lol) did that. Tuesday before GGP, I took him to a lot. In an hour, he was manageable in those two aspects. Wednesday, he drove 9 hours to Ohio with me, Thursday, solo from OH to NY, then solo from NY to southern OH, then OH to NC.
Don't be ashamed to mess up, just be careful where you do until you are comfortable enough to start. A parking lot for a warehouse, with a lowered dock, will work perfect. 1-2,2-3,3-4,4-5, any other combinations are easy. Just make sure you can get out of your own way from a red to green