Originally Posted by oil pan 4
I saw a 2 to 2.5mpg improvement when I installed a turbocharger.
I put the turbocharger on my engine and changed nothing else beyond the intake and exhaust plumbing. I was also running hot boost.
You have a big high compression IDI kind of like my diesel with the same family of injectors and injector pump as my diesel.
Specific model of turbo for your application?
Big. The biggest cheapest turbo I can think of off the top of my head for your application would be a P-trim T76.
Do not use the OE turbo.
That is what everyone who has a big non turbo diesel says.
I was just like you 5 years ago. I thought my non turbo diesel had plenty of power and didn't think I had any needed for a turbo.
Then when I put the turbo on, I wish I would have done it in 2006 as my first mod.
Read the MPG improvement wiki, I put all my links about studies about turbo chargers increasing fuel mileage in there.
I've got a 1.6L VW diesel 1985 Golf. Do you think it would get better fuel mileage if I added a turbo? Right now I'm pushing 60mpg, and that's just driving, no mods except turning back the max injection so I don't cause an accident from the black cloud it used to cause as I climbed 12,000ft high passes.