Heavy load in vehicle. Unloaded front axle is hurting you.
Find "bathroom scale method of weighing trailer to tongue " to see where you are.
Over 400-lbs will benefit from a WD hitch. These things are not about weight, per se, but weight relationships. What tow ratings mean have to be interpreted.
You are likely over the RAWR of the Dodge.
See the Nov 2014 issue of RV Lifestyle and copy Andrew Thomsons Hitch Hints column. Achieve the effect he is outlining. Verify on a scale later.
You want "equal squat" as he writes, and it MUST be as loaded for trip including passengers.
And you will not want full pressure on steer axle tires (no more than door placard number) as it will exacerbate tendency to wander.
A WD hitch with integrated anti-sway will greatly dampen tendency of trailer to wander side-side.
Trailer axle alignment, brake and bearing pre-set, plus caliper drag on tow vehicle all need to be checked.
Don't assume. Don't let bad mechanical baseline hurt you further.
Last edited by slowmover; 06-26-2015 at 06:59 PM..