Yeah, the deck screw was my punch to mark dead center of the holes, guess I could have explained that better, lol! I fixed it above.
I got them on eBay, after haggling with the guy for over six months until he dropped them to under 100 bucks with free shipping. My persistence paid off in the end. There was only one person watching the sale, and I think what finally made him cave was when I told him that person was me!
The four of them together weighed a couple of pounds, they're super light
I don't have TPMS, but these tires only lose 3 or 4 psi over a tank (2 and a half weeks), so for now I plan on airing them up every tank, which is what I do now anyway. In the future I'm considering installing valve extenders to point the valves to the inside of the rims, haven't made up my mind on that one yet.
The wheel covers came with the holes pre-drilled, and when I overlaid them the holes weren't identically spaced (but were real close), so it was easier to just mark a specific hole location on each rim and on the back of each wheel cover, and number-match them to each other.