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Old 06-30-2015, 02:59 AM   #14 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: South Bay Area, CA
Posts: 8
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So I got an email today from the forum, stating that I haven't been active in a while here...

So, I'm back. I actually had a question anyways...

What exactly is the time duration being considered on the Average MPG? I assume/d it was from engine on to engine off, but lately, on shorter breaks between trips, like where I ran into a store for a couple minutes only, then fired-up the engine again, it resumed where I left off - the Average reading was around 40 MPG, which was where it was when I turned the engine off a few minutes earlier...

Curious if this is normal and by design. Thanks much. I should be at 1/4 tank later this week. Looking forward to see how much I need to adjust, and in which direction...
2003 MINI Cooper S
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