Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
Would you attribute the 20% improvement to more efficient combustion, or greater throttle opening, or a combination of both in what Percentage?
The test report I read .. didn't specifically break it apart into contributing portions .. verbatim quote (with sited source) attached bellow for others to interpret differently if they wish.
Personally .. my guess .. would be a combination of those you listed and others .. My shoot from the hip guess of the most to least contributing might be something kind of like.
- Improved Efficiency of converting the fuel energy combusted into shaft energy... which would be the net result of numerous others :
- Reduced throttle losses
- Improved angle of application
- Improved synchronization of applied force during cycle.
- Reduced back pressure.
- + other more minor influences
- More complete Combustion of fuel chemical energy injected... which is also the net result of numerous others:
- Improved air / fuel concentration gradient flux.
- Increased pulse width of combustion event.
- Improved Spark Plug design for specific application.
- + other more minor influences
- some other more minor contributions.